Engage for Success Online Forum 17 June

Re-Inventing the Human Workplace Forum:
The Digital Hybrid Workplace

The Digital Hybrid Workplace
Thursday, 17th June 12-1pm

Silke Brittain will welcome Michael Hughes and Mark Terry, Founders and Directors of Digital Conversation for the ninth forum in our Re-Inventing the Human Workplace series. We will take you on a journey to explore the digital hybrid workplace and show you what the future of work could look and feel like in your organisation.

How can we tackle the challenges of home or remote working in a digital workplace? Can we transfer knowledge or provide a better onboarding experience for new people or for people who transfer to new teams? How can we collaborate, communicate and innovate effectively in a hybrid workplace? How can a digital workspace help when team leaders find it challenging to connect with their people and meet their employee health and wellbeing needs?

Share your thoughts and experience a new way of onboarding, learning and development, collaboration and innovation in a digital hybrid workplace and explore with us how you want to experience the future of hybrid working with your teams and colleagues. Let's get those creative juices flowing and inspire each other with a different kind of engagement forum - anything is possible!

Register and join us for our June forum on Thursday 17th June, 12-1pm

Share, Network and Inspire with our Engage for Success Online Forums

With our monthly online forums we'd like to offer some support by inviting you to join us. We're continuously evolving our calendar of relevant employee engagement topics based on the themes and challenges we are hearing from you.
The aim is to share thoughts and listen to what others are experiencing. You'll have the opportunity to participate in the conversation and give or receive inspiration in a network of like-minded people. We look forward to welcoming you at our next forum.

Contact us

For more information or to book on one of the next forums, please get in touch.
Email: Silke Brittain
Call: 07702 422624

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