Engage with Change Masterclass
Join senior leaders and change professionals for an interactive half-day engage with change masterclass. The class is designed to showcase current trends, tools and techniques in engaging people with change and transformation. We share knowledge of working with informal influencers to achieve change and provide an opportunity to practice key elements for you to take away and implement.
Update your knowledge, get ahead of your competition, become a master!
To increase understanding of achieving sustainable change and how the use of organisational network analysis can reduce cost and achieve a ROI by;
1. Establishing key drivers and narrative for change;
2. Identifying informal influencers and how to work with your network;
3. Achieving social alignment for sustainable change;
4. Communicating change and measures to engage with change.
The facilitator will share key drivers for change and developing a change narrative, tools and techniques to gain insight into network of informal influencers, how to use influencers as part of sustainable change and provide examples based on case studies. Participants will come away with a detailed understanding of the drivers for change, how to work with influencers, communicate change and develop an outline change strategy.
The masterclass covers:
1. Change management – what, why and how to achieve sustainable change?
2. How can you identify and work with your network of informal influencers?
3. How to measure success and engagement with change?
4. How can you achieve buy-in and communicate change?
5. What and how can participants do to take change forward in their organisation?
Half a day
Online Masterclass: £250.00
Bespoke Masterclass: £599.00
Contact us
For more information or to book a bespoke Masterclass, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Email: Silke Brittain
Call: 07702 422624