

New Rules of Engagement

What we’ve learnt from our engagement forums during 2020 On 27th December 2019 a man in France was diagnosed with Covid-19. What happens when a completely […]

The impact on company culture in an era of remote working

After a year of near continuous remote working what’s been the impact on company culture and what can you do to preserve it?

Creating a successful employee value proposition (EVP)

What is an Employee Value Proposition? An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is an employment experience proposal. It outlines what an employer expects from its employees and what […]

External vs. internal communication: the relationship

External vs. internal communication: making a stand! External vs. internal communication is a staple topic.  Historically, they have targeted very different audiences; communicating with those who […]

Culture change: the role of HR

Why you need HR to drive culture change Culture is significantly affecting how companies operate internally and externally, how they innovate and service their customers. According […]

Change management: strategy & implementation

Why you need a change management strategy Developing a change management strategy can provide direction and purpose for change management plans. They help determine fundamental processes […]